
Second Trainers’ Workshop at Digital Weaving Norway!

Second Trainers’ Workshop at Digital Weaving Norway!

This February, we had four of our very talented TC2 Trainers from around the world come over for an intensive week-long Workshop. Apart from being a technical bootcamp of sorts, it was a chance to connect, share knowledge, and dive deep into all things TC2!  The participants – Cathryn Amidei from the US, Dakota Burpee from Canada, Francesca Piñol from Spain, and Irena Andrejeva from Latvia – were guided all through the workshop by Digital Weaving Norway’s Vibeke Vestby, at our headquarters in Moss, Norway.

On Day 1, we started off by walking through the assembly space and got a closer look at the different types of projects that Tronrud Engineering Moss is involved in. When we got to the TC2 loom department, our Assembly Incharge John Tommy Sørensen shared the best practices for assembling the TC2 – insights that are bound to be valuable when our Trainers travel to new TC2 customers for Installation and Training workshops.

During these 4-day workshops that we offer to all new customers, the Trainer typically starts off by guiding the customer through the loom assembly. Once that’s done, the next step is to get the loom ready to weave on, which entails making a warp, threading the heddles, pulling the warp through the reed and tying on the warp to the fabric beam. And at this point, the Trainer then takes the customers  through the basics of weaving on the loom and also the basics of service and maintenance of the loom.

And later on, when the customers are weaving on their own, our Trainers often pitch in to provide service and support to the customers based in their respective geographies. And to ensure that they have what it takes, we went all deep into covering the different aspects of technical troubleshooting on the TC2. Taking it a step further, we also explored advanced weaving techniques that help push the creative and technical boundaries of the TC2.

And nothing is more thrilling to a weaver than knowing those small tricks and tweaks that can make all the difference when working on the loom! There were many “aha!” moments for the Trainers when Vibeke, with her decades of weaving knowledge, went through her bagful of loom hacks.

But it wasn’t all work and no play! On one of the days, we made a trip to Oslo – just an hour away from Moss – where we visited the Norwegian Museum of Cultural History ( Norsk Folkemuseum) and the National Museum, home to an incredible collection of historical and contemporary art, architecture, and design.

And on one of the evenings, we were invited to visit the home studio of Norwegian textile artist Anne Størseth, who has woven on both the TC1 and the TC2 loom. The participants had a wonderful time as she went through her treasure trove of woven pieces.

The Trainers’ Workshop concluded on a high note with a loom assembly competition, where the representatives, split into two teams, put the loom together in record time! All in all, it was an enriching week filled with learning, collaboration, and inspiration. We’re incredibly proud of our TC2 representatives and can’t wait to see them bring their expertise to weavers around the world.
