
Woven works by Beáta Gerbocová

Woven works by Beáta Gerbocová

As a part of the “What’s on your Loom” series, we present the works of fiber artist Beáta Gerbocová. Beáta specializes in digital Jacquard weaving and works in different positions at the textile departments at the Academy of Fine Art and Design in Bratislava. She has also worked for three years as interior designer in Skoda design Czech Republic.


Since 2016, Beáta has been engaged with textile design and free textile work using digital weaving technique. She herself realizes weavings using a technique of hand weaving on the TC2 digital Jacquard loom focusing on the research of expression possibilities of textile in the relation to weave changes. The artistic and practical outcome of her dissertation thesis is represented by examples of her own work, which vary from simplest, single weave fabrics to pictures composed on the double weave principle. Simultaneously, she demonstrates expression possibilities and relations between Jacquard weaves, chosen material and colour palette by experimenting with innovative materials with specific optical or mechanical properties.

The outcomes of the practical part of Beátas dissertation thesis were mainly digitally woven tapestries, realizations of upholstery fabrics, creation of three-dimensional structures (3D weavings) and weavings with metal filaments. In collaboration with designers several of her projects were realized in the form of upholstery textile; in this field this type of weaving has proved to be a fully functional weaving, meeting all the necessary standards of the upholstery fabric.

Other projects resulted in artistic outcomes having a form of wall textile art, where the method of processing did not have to adhere to strict requirements for mechanical properties of the material. All practical outcomes directly relate to her theoretical knowledge of digital Jacquard weaving and her ability to program weaving in the program Arahne, which Beáta acquired and developed during her studies.

Works created during her doctoral studies are narrative in their content, whether we are speaking about textiles created as design (e.g. upholstery textiles) or woven wall art-tapestries. Both aspects of her work united with the principle of story development, conscious narrativity, which is sometimes imaginary taking place on the ground of associative imagination, and sometimes it refers to personal stories or experience. This principle of work enables her to implement a broader spectrum of expression possibilities, from figure-solitaire (as a protagonist of a private story), through figurative compositions (here intimate stories become generally understandable due to the universality of their message) to overlaps leading to abstract, structural positions (depictions are shattered into forms of rich structures which are themselves a strong emotion carrier).

Thus, Beáta Gerbocová equalises in her works two important positions of the “image”, a strong, intimate story heading to fantasy poses, which is perfectly supported by the richness of the employed structures and perfectly crafted. This unifying optics supports both preconditions for authentic work: compelling beyond fine art narration and unmissable author´s aesthetics, which together with the use of digital weaving technology enables us to develop our attention on the interconnection of circumstances with reference to the historical tapestry.


Studied at the Academy of Fine Art and Design in Bratislava (from 1995-2001) where she completed her doctoral studies with a dissertation thesis in 2021. Since 2014 she has been teaching a course called Digital Design of Jacquard Weavings in the Studio of Textiles in the premises of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. She has presented her work at several solo and collective exhibitions at home and abroad. Her work is a part of the permanent exhibition 100 Years of Design in the Gallery of the Slovak Design Museum in Bratislava. She has realized several designs of seating furniture textiles for Slovak companies in collaboration with acknowledged furniture designers. Between 2009-2013, she worked as a designer specialized in interior textile design for Škoda Auto in Mladá Boleslav, Czechia. She has exhibited her works in group and solo exhibitions in Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Norway and Austria.
